Note: I'm migrating from to here. When I finish I'll swap the DNS to here. The "official" blog will be always


    linux web-development personal dojo technology php appengine webdev couchDB postgreSQL gearman tips vim haanga twig js performance mod_rewrite gd jquery comet gsm sms pdo postgresql phpdoc reflection databases html5 node-js websockets node nodejs socket-io dbal npm nodeks sessions api poo experiment tdd micro-optimizations arrays framework microframework cli error_log talks cloud couchdb benchmark-test exceptions language-php sqlinjection opinion deploy hg di php-class programming node-php react oo dependency-injection software github public-api rest ascii-code apache symfony component-library symfony2 zend-framework tcp phpunit datetime php5-4 behat gherkin silex command-line-parser service-status services windows javascript ftp php-functions python multiple-inheritance traits dic php-project guzzle twitter oauth process reactor-pattern sysfony zeromq google-app-engine gae angularjs desymfony stack android phonegap push bdd jasmine qr qr-code-generator c# coding-dojo gmail mediator swiftmailer push-notifications cordova camera filetransfer upload web-server cors pool webworker pimple sql authentication token barcelona conference solid talk topcoat angular routeprovider andoid ionic ios chrome tip config container yaml apple apple-store ios-applications express 2014 retrospective javascrip openui5 sap hello-js oaut2 ratchet socket xinet-d flask microservices slim bower i8n pushbullet pl-python postgresql-database service book review gps phpstorm xdebug curl queue rabbitmq industrial-automation automation modbus queues jwt listen notify angular2 i18n ionic2 typescript iot raspberry-pi crypt serviceprovider telegram bot cron smart-bulb arduino btle predis redis i2c mqtt nodemcu laravel ir sap-cloud-platform mfrc522 nfc cloud-foundry computer-vision opencv amazon cognito cloudwatch sns firebase google-maps lumen esp32 the-melee keras tensorflow docker grafana influxdb mosquitto ui5 scp nameko cache grunt data-analysis jupyter notebook numpy pandas pivot-tables aws lambda serveless 2fa totp threads alexa serverless voice rpi bluetooth devops k8s kubernetes channels django ws celery architecture ec2 elasticsearch elk kibana prometheus fswatcher go




