Note: I'm migrating from to here. When I finish I'll swap the DNS to here. The "official" blog will be always

      Playing with RabbitMQ, PHP and node

      I need to use RabbitMQ in one project. I’m a big fan of Gearman, but I must admit Rabbit is much more powerful. In this project I need to handle with PHP code and node, so I want to build a wrapper for those two languages. I don’t want to re-invent the wheel so I will use existing libraries (php-amqplib and amqplib for node).

      Basically I need to use three things: First I need to create exchange channels to log different actions. I need to decouple those actions from the main code. I also need to create work queues to ensure those works are executed. It doesn’t matter if work is executed later but it must be executed. And finally RPC commands.

      Let’s start with the queues. I want to push events to a queue in PHP

      use G\Rabbit\Builder;
      $server = [
          'host' => 'localhost',
          'port' => 5672,
          'user' => 'guest',
          'pass' => 'guest',
      $queue = Builder::queue('queue.backend', $server);
      $queue->emit(["aaa" => 1]);

      and also with node

      var server = {
          host: 'localhost',
          port: 5672,
          user: 'guest',
          pass: 'guest'
      var queue = builder.queue('queue.backend', server);
      queue.emit({aaa: 1});

      And I also want to register workers to those queues with PHP and node

      use G\Rabbit\Builder;
      $server = [
          'host' => 'localhost',
          'port' => 5672,
          'user' => 'guest',
          'pass' => 'guest',
      Builder::queue('queue.backend', $server)->receive(function ($data) {
      var server = {
          host: 'localhost',
          port: 5672,
          user: 'guest',
          pass: 'guest'
      var queue = builder.queue('queue.backend', server);
      queue.receive(function (data) {

      Both implementations use one builder. In this case we are using Queue:

      namespace G\Rabbit;
      use PhpAmqpLib\Connection\AMQPStreamConnection;
      use PhpAmqpLib\Message\AMQPMessage;
      class Queue
          private $name;
          private $conf;
          public function __construct($name, $conf)
              $this->name = $name;
              $this->conf = $conf;
          private function createConnection()
              $server = $this->conf['server'];
              return new AMQPStreamConnection($server['host'], $server['port'], $server['user'], $server['pass']);
          private function declareQueue($channel)
              $conf = $this->conf['queue'];
              $channel->queue_declare($this->name, $conf['passive'], $conf['durable'], $conf['exclusive'],
                  $conf['auto_delete'], $conf['nowait']);
          public function emit($data = null)
              $connection = $this->createConnection();
              $channel = $connection->channel();
              $msg = new AMQPMessage(json_encode($data),
                  ['delivery_mode' => 2] # make message persistent
              $channel->basic_publish($msg, '', $this->name);
          public function receive(callable $callback)
              $connection = $this->createConnection();
              $channel = $connection->channel();
              $consumer = $this->conf['consumer'];
              if ($consumer['no_ack'] === false) {
                  $channel->basic_qos(null, 1, null);
              $channel->basic_consume($this->name, '', $consumer['no_local'], $consumer['no_ack'], $consumer['exclusive'],
                  function ($msg) use ($callback) {
                      call_user_func($callback, json_decode($msg->body, true), $this->name);
                      $now = new \DateTime();
                      echo '['.$now->format('d/m/Y H:i:s')."] {$this->name}::".$msg->body, "\n";
              $now = new \DateTime();
              echo '['.$now->format('d/m/Y H:i:s')."] Queue '{$this->name}' initialized \n";
              while (count($channel->callbacks)) {
      var amqp = require('amqplib/callback_api');
      var Queue = function (name, conf) {
          return {
              emit: function (data, close=true) {
                  amqp.connect(`amqp://${conf.server.user}:${conf.server.pass}@${}:${conf.server.port}`, function (err, conn) {
                      conn.createChannel(function (err, ch) {
                          var msg = JSON.stringify(data);
                          ch.assertQueue(name, conf.queue);
                          ch.sendToQueue(name, new Buffer(msg));
                      if (close) {
                          setTimeout(function () {
                          }, 500);
              receive: function (callback) {
                  amqp.connect(`amqp://${conf.server.user}:${conf.server.pass}@${}:${conf.server.port}`, function (err, conn) {
                      conn.createChannel(function (err, ch) {
                          ch.assertQueue(name, conf.queue);
                          console.log(new Date().toString() + ' Queue ' + name + ' initialized');
                          ch.consume(name, function (msg) {
                              console.log(new Date().toString() + " Received %s", msg.content.toString());
                              if (callback) {
                                  callback(JSON.parse(msg.content.toString()), msg.fields.routingKey)
                              if (conf.consumer.noAck === false) {
                          }, conf.consumer);
      module.exports = Queue;

      We also want to emit messages using an exchange


      use G\Rabbit\Builder;
      $server = [
          'host' => 'localhost',
          'port' => 5672,
          'user' => 'guest',
          'pass' => 'guest',
      $exchange = Builder::exchange('process.log', $server);
      $exchange->emit("xxx.log", "aaaa");
      $exchange->emit("xxx.log", ["11", "aaaa"]);
      $exchange->emit("yyy.log", "aaaa");
      var builder = require('../../src/Builder');
      var server = {
          host: 'localhost',
          port: 5672,
          user: 'guest',
          pass: 'guest'
      var exchange ='process.log', server);
      exchange.emit("xxx.log", "aaaa");
      exchange.emit("xxx.log", ["11", "aaaa"]);
      exchange.emit("yyy.log", "aaaa");

      and receiver:

      use G\Rabbit\Builder;
      $server = [
          'host' => 'localhost',
          'port' => 5672,
          'user' => 'guest',
          'pass' => 'guest',
      Builder::exchange('process.log', $server)->receive("yyy.log", function ($routingKey, $data) {
          error_log($routingKey." - ".json_encode($data));
      var server = {
          host: 'localhost',
          port: 5672,
          user: 'guest',
          pass: 'guest'
      var exchange ='process.log', server);
      exchange.receive("yyy.log", function (routingKey, data) {
          console.log(routingKey, data);

      And that’s the PHP implementation:

      namespace G\Rabbit;
      use PhpAmqpLib\Connection\AMQPStreamConnection;
      use PhpAmqpLib\Message\AMQPMessage;
      class Exchange
          private $name;
          private $conf;
          public function __construct($name, $conf)
              $this->name = $name;
              $this->conf = $conf;
          private function createConnection()
              $server = $this->conf['server'];
              return new AMQPStreamConnection($server['host'], $server['port'], $server['user'], $server['pass']);
          public function emit($routingKey, $data = null)
              $connection = $this->createConnection();
              $channel = $connection->channel();
              $conf = $this->conf['exchange'];
              $channel->exchange_declare($this->name, 'topic', $conf['passive'], $conf['durable'], $conf['auto_delete'],
                  $conf['internal'], $conf['nowait']);
              $msg = new AMQPMessage(json_encode($data), [
                  'delivery_mode' => 2, # make message persistent
              $channel->basic_publish($msg, $this->name, $routingKey);
          public function receive($bindingKey, callable $callback)
              $connection = $this->createConnection();
              $channel = $connection->channel();
              $conf = $this->conf['exchange'];
              $channel->exchange_declare($this->name, 'topic', $conf['passive'], $conf['durable'], $conf['auto_delete'],
                  $conf['internal'], $conf['nowait']);
              $queueConf = $this->conf['queue'];
              list($queue_name, ,) = $channel->queue_declare("", $queueConf['passive'], $queueConf['durable'],
                  $queueConf['exclusive'], $queueConf['auto_delete'], $queueConf['nowait']);
              $channel->queue_bind($queue_name, $this->name, $bindingKey);
              $consumerConf = $this->conf['consumer'];
              $channel->basic_consume($queue_name, '', $consumerConf['no_local'], $consumerConf['no_ack'],
                  $consumerConf['exclusive'], $consumerConf['nowait'],
                  function ($msg) use ($callback) {
                      call_user_func($callback, $msg->delivery_info['routing_key'], json_decode($msg->body, true));
                      $now = new \DateTime();
                      echo '['.$now->format('d/m/Y H:i:s').'] '.$this->name.':'.$msg->delivery_info['routing_key'].'::', $msg->body, "\n";
              $now = new \DateTime();
              echo '['.$now->format('d/m/Y H:i:s')."] Exchange '{$this->name}' initialized \n";
              while (count($channel->callbacks)) {

      And node:

      var amqp = require('amqplib/callback_api');
      var Exchange = function (name, conf) {
          return {
              emit: function (routingKey, data, close = true) {
                  amqp.connect(`amqp://${conf.server.user}:${conf.server.pass}@${}:${conf.server.port}`, function (err, conn) {
                      conn.createChannel(function (err, ch) {
                          var msg = JSON.stringify(data);
                          ch.assertExchange(name, 'topic',;
                          ch.publish(name, routingKey, new Buffer(msg));
                      if (close) {
                          setTimeout(function () {
                          }, 500);
              receive: function (bindingKey, callback) {
                  amqp.connect(`amqp://${conf.server.user}:${conf.server.pass}@${}:${conf.server.port}`, function (err, conn) {
                      conn.createChannel(function (err, ch) {
                          ch.assertExchange(name, 'topic',;
                          console.log(new Date().toString() + ' Exchange ' + name + ' initialized');
                          ch.assertQueue('', conf.queue, function (err, q) {
                              ch.bindQueue(q.queue, name, bindingKey);
                              ch.consume(q.queue, function (msg) {
                                  console.log(new Date().toString(), name, ":", msg.fields.routingKey, "::", msg.content.toString());
                                  if (callback) {
                                      callback(msg.fields.routingKey, JSON.parse(msg.content.toString()))
                                  if (conf.consumer.noAck === false) {
                              }, conf.consumer);
      module.exports = Exchange;

      Finally we want to use RPC commands. In fact RPC implementations is similar than Queue but in this case client will receive an answer.

      Client side

      use G\Rabbit\Builder;
      $server = [
          'host' => 'localhost',
          'port' => 5672,
          'user' => 'guest',
          'pass' => 'guest',
      echo Builder::rpc('rpc.hello', $server)->call("Gonzalo", "Ayuso");
      var builder = require('../../src/Builder');
      var server = {
          host: 'localhost',
          port: 5672,
          user: 'guest',
          pass: 'guest'
      var rpc = builder.rpc('rpc.hello', server);"Gonzalo", "Ayuso", function (data) {

      Server side:

      use G\Rabbit\Builder;
      $server = [
          'host' => 'localhost',
          'port' => 5672,
          'user' => 'guest',
          'pass' => 'guest',
      Builder::rpc('rpc.hello', $server)->server(function ($name, $surname) use ($server) {
          return "Hello {$name} {$surname}";
      var builder = require('../../src/Builder');
      var server = {
          host: 'localhost',
          port: 5672,
          user: 'guest',
          pass: 'guest'
      var rpc = builder.rpc('rpc.hello', server);
      rpc.server(function (name, surname) {
          return "Hello " + name + " " + surname;

      And Implementations:

      namespace G\Rabbit;
      use PhpAmqpLib\Connection\AMQPStreamConnection;
      use PhpAmqpLib\Message\AMQPMessage;
      class RPC
          private $name;
          private $conf;
          public function __construct($name, $conf)
              $this->name = $name;
              $this->conf = $conf;
          private function createConnection()
              $server = $this->conf['server'];
              return new AMQPStreamConnection($server['host'], $server['port'], $server['user'], $server['pass']);
          public function call()
              $params = (array)func_get_args();
              $response = null;
              $corr_id = uniqid();
              $connection = $this->createConnection();
              $channel = $connection->channel();
              $queueConf = $this->conf['queue'];
              list($callback_queue, ,) = $channel->queue_declare("", $queueConf['passive'], $queueConf['durable'],
                  $queueConf['exclusive'], $queueConf['auto_delete'], $queueConf['nowait']);
              $consumerConf = $this->conf['consumer'];
              $channel->basic_consume($callback_queue, '', $consumerConf['no_local'], $consumerConf['no_ack'],
                  $consumerConf['exclusive'], $consumerConf['nowait'], function ($rep) use (&$corr_id, &$response) {
                      if ($rep->get('correlation_id') == $corr_id) {
                          $response = $rep->body;
              $msg = new AMQPMessage(json_encode($params), [
                  'correlation_id' => $corr_id,
                  'reply_to'       => $callback_queue,
              $channel->basic_publish($msg, '', $this->name);
              while (!$response) {
              return json_decode($response, true);
          public function server(callable $callback)
              $connection = $this->createConnection();
              $channel = $connection->channel();
              $queueConf = $this->conf['queue'];
              $channel->queue_declare($this->name, $queueConf['passive'], $queueConf['durable'], $queueConf['exclusive'],
                  $queueConf['auto_delete'], $queueConf['nowait']);
              $now = new \DateTime();
              echo '['.$now->format('d/m/Y H:i:s')."] RPC server '{$this->name}' initialized \n";
              $channel->basic_qos(null, 1, null);
              $consumerConf = $this->conf['consumer'];
              $channel->basic_consume($this->name, '', $consumerConf['no_local'], $consumerConf['no_ack'],
                  $consumerConf['nowait'], function ($req) use ($callback) {
                      $response = json_encode(call_user_func_array($callback, array_values(json_decode($req->body, true))));
                      $msg = new AMQPMessage($response, [
                          'correlation_id' => $req->get('correlation_id'),
                          'delivery_mode'  => 2, # make message persistent
                      $req->delivery_info['channel']->basic_publish($msg, '', $req->get('reply_to'));
                      $now = new \DateTime();
                      echo '['.$now->format('d/m/Y H:i:s').'] '.$this->name.":: req => '{$req->body}' response=> '{$response}'\n";
              while (count($channel->callbacks)) {
      var amqp = require('amqplib/callback_api');
      var RPC = function (name, conf) {
          var generateUuid = function () {
              return Math.random().toString() +
                  Math.random().toString() +
          return {
              call: function () {
                  var params = [];
                  for (i = 0; i < arguments.length - 1; i++) {
                  var callback = arguments[arguments.length - 1];
                  amqp.connect(`amqp://${conf.server.user}:${conf.server.pass}@${}:${conf.server.port}`, function (err, conn) {
                      conn.createChannel(function (err, ch) {
                          ch.assertQueue('', conf.queue, function (err, q) {
                              var corr = generateUuid();
                              ch.consume(q.queue, function (msg) {
                                  if ( == corr) {
                                      setTimeout(function () {
                                      }, 500);
                              }, conf.consumer);
                                  new Buffer(JSON.stringify(params)),
                                  {correlationId: corr, replyTo: q.queue});
              server: function (callback) {
                  amqp.connect(`amqp://${conf.server.user}:${conf.server.pass}@${}:${conf.server.port}`, function (err, conn) {
                      conn.createChannel(function (err, ch) {
                          ch.assertQueue(name, conf.queue);
                          console.log(new Date().toString() + ' RPC ' + name + ' initialized');
                          ch.consume(name, function reply(msg) {
                              console.log(new Date().toString(), msg.fields.routingKey, " :: ", msg.content.toString());
                              var response = JSON.stringify(callback.apply(this, JSON.parse(msg.content.toString())));
                                  new Buffer(response),
                          }, conf.consumer);
      module.exports = RPC;

      You can see whole projects at github: RabbitMQ-php, RabbitMQ-node

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