Note: I'm migrating from to here. When I finish I'll swap the DNS to here. The "official" blog will be always

    1. Playing with Go and file system watchers

      Let me explain the idea. I want to emit one RabbitMQ message each time new file is generated in a folder. The problem is that I cannot modify the code of the software that generate the files. The idea is generate a filesystem watcher that emits the message. Let’s start. …

    2. Database utils for psycopg2

      I normally need to perform raw queries when I’m working with Python. Even when I’m using Django and it’s ORM I need to execute sql against the database. As I use (almost always) PostgreSQL and I use (as we all do) psycopg2. Psycopg2 is very complete and easy to use but sometimes I need a few helpers to make my usual tasks easier. I don’t want to create a complex library on top of psycopg2, only a helper. …

    3. Playing with RabbitMQ, Python and Docker. From Exchanges to Queues

      Lately in all my projects message queues appear in one way or another. Normally I work with AWS and I use SQS and SNS, but I also use quite often, RabbitMQ and MQTT. In AWS there’s something that I use a lot to isolate services. The process that emits messages emits message to SNS and I bind SNS to SQS. With this technique I can attach n SQS to the the same SNS. I’ve used it here. In AWS is pretty straightforward to do that. Today We’re going to do the same with RabbitMQ. In fact it’s very easy to do it in RabbitMQ. We only need to follow the tutorial in official RabbitMQ documentation. …

    4. Running Python/Django docker containers with non-root user

      Running linux processes as root is not a good idea. One problem or exploit with the process can give to the attacker a root shell. When we run one docker container, especially if this container is in production it shouldn’t be run as root. …

    5. Playing with Python threads. Part 2

      Last year I’ve written one post about Python and threads. You can read it here. Today I want to keep on playing with Python and threads. The idea is create one simple script that prints one asterisk in the console each second. Simple, isn’t it? …

    6. Django logs to ELK using Filebeat

      I’ve written a post about how to send Django logs to ELK stack. You can read it here. In that post I’ve used logstash client with a sidecar docker container. Logstash client works but it needs too much resources. Nowadays it’s better to use Filebeat as data shipper instead of Logstash client. Filebeat it’s also a part of ELK stack. It’s a golang binary much lightweight than logstash client. …

    7. Don't repeat password validator in Django

      Django has a set of default password validators by default in django.contrib.auth.password_validator …

    8. Monitoring Django applications with Grafana and Kibana using Prometheus and Elasticsearch

      When we’ve one application we need to monitor the logs in one way or another. Not only the server’s logs (500 errors, response times and things like that). Sometimes the user complains about the application. Without logs we cannot do anything. We can save logs within files and let grep and tail do the magic. This’s assumable with a single on-premise server, but nowadays with clouds and docker this’s a nightmare. We need a central log collector to collect all the logs of the application and use this collector to create alerts, and complex searches of our application logs. …

    9. Deploying Django application to AWS EC2 instance with Docker

      In AWS we have several ways to deploy Django (and not Django applications) with Docker. We can use ECS or EKS clusters. If we don’t have one ECS or Kubernetes cluster up and running, maybe it can be complex. Today I want to show how deploy a Django application in production mode within a EC2 host. Let’s start. …

    10. Django reactive users with Celery and Channels

      Today I want to build a prototype. The idea is to create two Django applications. One application will be the master and the other one will the client. Both applications will have their User model but each change within master User model will be propagated through the client (or clients). Let me show you what I’ve got in my mind: …

    11. Building real time Python applications with Django Channels, Docker and Kubernetes

      Three years ago I wrote an article about webockets. In fact I’ve written several articles about Websockets (Websockets and real time communications is something that I’m really passionate about), but today I would like to pick up this article. Nowadays I’m involved with several Django projects so I want to create a similar working prototype with Django. Let’s start: …

    12. Deploying Python Application using Docker and Kubernetes

      I’ve learning how to deploy one Python application to Kubernetes. Here you can see my notes: …

    13. Building Bluetooth iot devices compatible with Alexa

      Alexa can speak with iot devices (bulbs, switches, …) directly without creating any skill. Recently I’ve discoverer the library fauxmoesp to use a ESP32 as a virtual device and use it with Alexa. …

    14. Alexa and Raspberry Pi demo (Part 2). Listening to external events

      Today I want to keep on with the previous example. This time I want to create one Alexa skill that listen to external events. The example that I’ve build is the following one: …

    15. Alexa and Raspberry Pi demo

      We’re keeping on playing with Alexa. This time I want to create one skill that uses a compatible device (for example one Raspberry Pi 3). Here you can see the documentation and examples that the people of Alexa provides us. Basically we need to create a new Product/Alexa gadget in the console. It gives us one amazonId and alexaGadgetSecret. …

    16. Alexa skill and account linking with serverless and Cognito

      Sometimes when we’re building one Alexa skill, we need to identify the user. To do that Alexa provides account linking. Basically we need an Oauth2 server to link our account within our Alexa skill. AWS provide us a managed Oauth2 service called Cognito, so we can use use Cognito identity pool to handle the authentication for our Alexa Skills. …

    17. Playing with threads and Python. Part 2

      Today I want to keep on playing with python and threads (part1 here). The idea is create one simple script that prints one asterisk in the console each second. Simple, isn’t it? …

    18. Alexa skill example with Serverless framework

      Today I want to play with Alexa and serverless framework. I’ve created a sample hello world skill. In fact this example is more or less the official hello-world sample. …

    19. Playing with threads and Python

      Today I want to play a little bit with Python and threads. This kind of post are one kind of cheat sheet that I like to publish, basically to remember how do do things. …

    20. Playing with TOTP (2FA) and mobile applications with ionic

      Today I want to play with Two Factor Authentication. When we speak about 2FA, TOTP come to our mind. There’re a lot of TOTP clients, for example Google Authenticator. …