Note: I'm migrating from to here. When I finish I'll swap the DNS to here. The "official" blog will be always

      PHP Gearman Wrapper

      I must admit that nowadays I’m using RabbitMQ more than Gearman but I’m still a big fan of gearman. PHP has a great api to connect to gearman work server but sometimes I miss another, how to say, “clean” way. Because of that I’ve creates a gearman wrapper. Let’s start.

      I want to cover different areas: Workers, clients, background clients, and tasks.

      Worker example:

      use G\Gearman\Builder;
      $worker = Builder::createWorker();
      $worker->on("slow.process", function ($response, \GearmanJob $job) {
          echo "Response: {$response} unique: {$job->unique()}\n";
          // we emulate a slow process with a sleep
          return $job->unique();
      $worker->on("fast.process", function ($response, \GearmanJob $job) {
          echo "Response: {$response} unique: {$job->unique()}\n";
          return $job->unique();
      $worker->on("exception.process", function () {
          // we emulate a failing process
          throw new \Exception("Something wrong happens");

      And a client:

      use G\Gearman\Builder;
      $client = Builder::createClient();
      $client->onSuccess(function ($response) {
          echo $response;
      $client->doNormal('fast.process', "Hello");

      One background client

      use G\Gearman\Builder;
      $client = Builder::createClient();
      $client->doBackground('slow.process', "Hello1");
      $client->doBackground('slow.process', "Hello2");
      $client->doBackground('slow.process', "Hello3");

      And finally, tasks

      use G\Gearman\Builder;
      $tasks = Builder::createTasks();
      $tasks->onSuccess(function (\GearmanTask $task, $context) {
          $out = is_callable($context) ? $context($task) : $task->data();
          echo "onSuccess response: " . $out . " id: {$task->unique()}\n";
      $tasks->onException(function (\GearmanTask $task) {
          echo "onException response {$task->data()}\n";
      $responseParser = function (\GearmanTask $task) {
          return "Hello " . $task->data();
      $tasks->addTask('fast.process', "fast1", $responseParser, 'g1');
      $tasks->addTaskHigh('slow.process', "slow1", null, 'xxxx');
      $tasks->addTask('fast.process', "fast2");
      $tasks->addTask('exception.process', 'hi');

      The library is just a wrapper to the official api. I’ve create a builder to simplify the creation of the instances:

      namespace G\Gearman;
      class Builder
          static function createWorker($servers=null)
              $worker = new \GearmanWorker();
              return new Worker($worker);
          static function createClient($servers=null)
              $client = new \GearmanClient();
              return new Client($client);
          static function createTasks($servers=null)
              $client = new \GearmanClient();
              return new Tasks($client);

      that’s the worker wrapper

      namespace G\Gearman;
      class Worker
          private $worker;
          public function __construct(\GearmanWorker $worker)
              $this->worker = $worker;
          public function on($name, callable $callback, $context = null, $timeout = 0)
              $this->worker->addFunction($name, function (\GearmanJob $job) use ($callback) {
                  return call_user_func($callback, json_decode($job->workload()), $job);
              }, $context, $timeout);
          public function run()
              try {
              } catch (\Exception $e) {
                  echo $e->getMessage() . "\n";
          private function loop()
              while ($this->worker->work()) {

      Now the client one

      namespace G\Gearman;
      class Client
          private $onSuccessCallback;
          private $client;
          public function __construct(\GearmanClient $client)
              $this->client = $client;
          public function doHigh($name, $workload=null, $unique = null)
              return $this->doAction(__FUNCTION__, $name, $workload, $unique);
          public function doNormal($name, $workload=null, $unique = null)
              return $this->doAction(__FUNCTION__, $name, $workload, $unique);
          public function doLow($name, $workload=null, $unique = null)
              return $this->doAction(__FUNCTION__, $name, $workload, $unique);
          public function doBackground($name, $workload=null, $unique = null)
              return $this->doAction(__FUNCTION__, $name, $workload, $unique);
          public function doHighBackground($name, $workload=null, $unique = null)
              return $this->doAction(__FUNCTION__, $name, $workload, $unique);
          public function doLowBackground($name, $workload=null, $unique = null)
              return $this->doAction(__FUNCTION__, $name, $workload, $unique);
          private function doAction($action, $name, $workload=null, $unique)
              $workload = (string)$workload;
              $handle = $this->client->$action($name, json_encode($workload), $unique);
              $returnCode = $this->client->returnCode();
              if ($returnCode != \GEARMAN_SUCCESS) {
                  throw new \Exception($this->client->error(), $returnCode);
              } else {
                  if ($this->onSuccessCallback) {
                      return call_user_func($this->onSuccessCallback, $handle);
              return null;
          public function onSuccess(callable $callback)
              $this->onSuccessCallback = $callback;

      and finally the tasks

      namespace G\Gearman;
      class Tasks
          private $client;
          private $tasks;
          public function __construct(\GearmanClient $client)
              $this->tasks = [];
              $this->client = $client;
          public function addTask($name, $workload=null, $context = null, $unique = null)
              $this->tasks[] = [__FUNCTION__, $name, $workload, $context, $unique];
          public function addTaskHigh($name, $workload=null, $context = null, $unique = null)
              $this->tasks[] = [__FUNCTION__, $name, $workload, $context, $unique];
          public function addTaskLow($name, $workload=null, $context = null, $unique = null)
              $this->tasks[] = [__FUNCTION__, $name, $workload, $context, $unique];
          public function addTaskBackground($name, $workload=null, $context = null, $unique = null)
              $this->tasks[] = [__FUNCTION__, $name, $workload, $context, $unique];
          public function addTaskHighBackground($name, $workload=null, $context = null, $unique = null)
              $this->tasks[] = [__FUNCTION__, $name, $workload, $context, $unique];
          public function addTaskLowBackground($name, $workload=null, $context = null, $unique = null)
              $this->tasks[] = [__FUNCTION__, $name, $workload, $context, $unique];
          public function runTasks()
              foreach ($this->tasks as list($actionName, $name, $workload, $context, $unique)) {
                  $this->client->$actionName($name, json_encode($workload), $context, $unique);
          public function onSuccess(callable $callback)
          public function onException(callable $callback)
          public function onFail(callable $callback)

      Library is available in packagist and source code in my github account.

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