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      Foreign Data Wrappers with PostgreSQL and PHP

      PostgreSQL is more than a relational database. It has many cool features. Today we’re going to play with Foreign Data Wrappers (FDW). The idea is crate a virtual table from an external datasource and use it like we use a traditional table.

      Let me show you an example. Imagine that we’ve got a REST datasource on port 8888. We’re going to use this Silex application, for example

      use Silex\Application;
      $app = new Application();
      $app->get('/', function(Application $app) {
          return $app->json([
              ['name' => 'Peter', 'surname' => 'Parker'],
              ['name' => 'Clark', 'surname' => 'Kent'],
              ['name' => 'Bruce', 'surname' => 'Wayne'],

      We want to use this datasource in PostgreSQL, so we need to use a “www foreign data wrapper”.

      First we create the extension (maybe we need to compile the extension. We can follow the installation instructions here)

      CREATE EXTENSION www_fdw;

      Now with the extension we need to create a “server”. This server is just a proxy that connects to the real Rest service

      CREATE SERVER myRestServer FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER www_fdw OPTIONS (uri 'http://localhost:8888');

      Now we need to map our user to the server

      CREATE USER MAPPING FOR gonzalo SERVER myRestServer;

      And finally we only need our “Foreign table”

          name text,
          surname text
      ) SERVER myRestServer;

      Now we can perform SQL queries using our Foreign table

      SELECT * FROM myRest

      We must take care with one thing. We can use WHERE clauses but if we run

      SELECT * FROM myRest WHERE name='Peter'

      We’ll that the output is the same than “SELECT * FROM myRest”. That’s because if we want to filter something with WHERE clause within Foreign we need to do it in the remote service. WHERE name=‘Peter’ means that our Database will execute the following request: http://localhost:8888?name=Peter

      And we need to handle this parameter. For example doing something like that

      use Silex\Application;
      use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
      $app = new Application();
      $app->get('/', function(Application $app, Request $request) {
          $name = $request->get('name');
          $data = [
              ['name' => 'Peter', 'surname' => 'Parker'],
              ['name' => 'Clark', 'surname' => 'Kent'],
              ['name' => 'Bruce', 'surname' => 'Wayne'],
          return $app->json(array_filter($data, function($reg) use($name){
              return $name ? $reg['name'] == $name : true;

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