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      Playing with PHP, CouchDB and ORM

      I’m playing with PHP and CouchDB. After writing a class to connect PHP and CouchDB I’ve done a variation of the interface to use CouchDB with PHP in a similar way to ORM. Yes. I know ORM means Object Relational Mapping and CouchDB isn’t a Relational Database but have a look to the following interface:

      Imagine you have a CouchDb at localhost:5987 and you have a database called users.

      Now let’s build a class called CDB \Users.

      class CDB_Users extends Nov_CouchDb_Orm {
          static $_db = 'users';

      It’s easy to automate the creation of CDB \Users with a script

      CDB \Users extends Nov \CouchDb \Orm

      class Nov_CouchDb_Orm
          static protected $_db;
           * @param string $key
           * @return Nov_CouchDb
          static public function connect($key)
              $class = get_called_class();
              $couchDb = new Nov_CouchDb($host, $port, $protocol, $user, $password);
              return $couchDb->db($class::$_db);

      A configuration class:

      class Nov_CouchDb_Conf
          const CDB1 = 'CDB1';
          private static $_conf = array(
              self::CDB1 => array(
                  'protocol' => 'http',
                  'host'     => 'localhost',
                  'port'     => 5984,
                  'user'     => null,
                  'password' => null
          static function get($key)
              return self::$_conf[$key];

      Putting all together with the class Nov \CouchDb we can use:

      CDB_Users::connect(Nov_CouchDb_Conf::CDB1)->insert('gonzalo', array('password' => 'g1'));
      $data = CDB_Users::connect(Nov_CouchDb_Conf::CDB1)->select('gonzalo')->asArray();
      CDB_Users::connect(Nov_CouchDb_Conf::CDB1)->update('gonzalo', array('password' => 'g2'));
      $data = CDB_Users::connect(Nov_CouchDb_Conf::CDB1)->select('gonzalo')->asArray();

      What do you think? That’s not exactly a ORM. I’m not sure if I will use that interface instead the classic one.

      $data = CDB_Users::connect(Nov_CouchDb_Conf::CDB1)->select('gonzalo')->asArray();
      // versus
      $couchDb = new Nov_CouchDb('localhost', 5984);
      $data = $couchDb->db('users')->select('gonzalo')->asArray()

      Here is the full source code with the examples.

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