Note: I'm migrating from to here. When I finish I'll swap the DNS to here. The "official" blog will be always

    1. PHP/Lumen data source for Grafana

      Today I need to integrate a third party service into Grafana. I cannot access directly to the service’s database, so I will integrate via JSON datasource. Grafana allows us to build custom data sources but in this case I don’t need to create a new one. I can use the simple JSON datasource …

    2. Playing with lambda, serverless and Python

      Couple of weeks ago I attended to serverless course. I’ve played with lambdas from time to time (basically when AWS forced me to use them) but without knowing exactly what I was doing. After this course I know how to work with the serverless framework and I understand better lambda world. Today I want to hack a little bit and create a simple Python service to obtain random numbers. Let’s start …

    3. Data Analysis with Python. Pivot tables with Pandas

      One of the first post in my blog was about Pivot tables. I’d created a library to pivot tables in my PHP scripts. The library is not very beautiful (it throws a lot of warnings), but it works. These days I’m playing with Python Data Analysis and I’m using Pandas. The purpose of this post is something that I like a lot: Learn by doing. So I want to do the same operations that I did eight years ago in the post but now with Pandas. Let’s start. …

    4. Monitoring the bandwidth (part 2) now with Python Nameko microservice

      This days I’ve been playing with Nameko. The Python framework for building microservices. Today I want to upgrade one small pet project that I’ve got in my house to monitor the bandwidth of my internet connection. I want to use one nameko microservice using the Timer entrypoint. …

    5. Using cache buster with OpenUI5 outside SCP

      When we work with SPAs and web applications we need to handle with the browser’s cache. Sometimes we change our static files but the client’s browser uses a cached version of the file instead of the new one. We can tell the user: Please empty your cache to use the new version. But most of the times the user don’t know what we’re speaking about, and we have a problem. There’s a technique called cache buster used to bypass this issue. It consists on to change the name of the file (or adding an extra parameter), basically to ensure that the browser will send a different request to the server to prevent the browser from reusing the cached version of the file. …

    6. Playing with microservices, Docker, Python an Nameko

      In the last projects that I’ve been involved with I’ve playing, in one way or another, with microservices, queues and things like that. I’m always facing the same tasks: Building RPCs, Workers, API gateways, … Because of that I’ve searching one framework to help me with those kind of stuff. Finally I discover Nameko. Basically Nameko is the Python tool that I’ve been looking for. In this post I will create a simple proof of concept to learn how to integrate Nameko within my projects. Let start. …

    7. Monitoring the bandwidth with Grafana, InfluxDB and Docker

      Time ago, when I was an ADSL user in my house I had a lot problems with my internet connection. I was a bit lazy to switch to a fiber connection. Finally I changed it, but meanwhile the my Internet company was solving one incident, I started to hack a little bit a simple and dirty script that monitors my connection speed (just for fun and to practise with InfluxDB and Grafana). …

    8. Working with SAPUI5 locally (part 3). Adding more services in Docker

      In the previous project we moved one project to docker. The idea was to move exactly the same functionality (even without touching anything within the source code). Now we’re going to add more services. Yes, I know, it looks like overenginering (it’s exactly overenginering, indeed), but I want to build something with different services working together. Let start. …

    9. Working with SAPUI5 locally (part 2). Now with docker

      In the first part I spoke about how to build our working environment to work with UI5 locally instead of using WebIDE. Now, in this second part of the post, we’ll see how to do it using docker to set up our environment. …

    10. Working with SAPUI5 locally and deploying in SCP

      When I work with SAPUI5 projects I normally use WebIDE. WebIDE is a great tool but I’m more confortable working locally with my local IDE. I’ve this idea in my mind but I never find the time slot to work on it. Finally, after finding this project from Holger Schäfer in github, I realized how easy it’s and I started to work with this project and adapt it to my needs. …

    11. Playing with Grafana and weather APIs

      Today I want to play with Grafana. Let me show you my idea: …

    12. Playing with Docker, MQTT, Grafana, InfluxDB, Python and Arduino

      I must admit this post is just an excuse to play with Grafana and InfluxDb. InfluxDB is a cool database especially designed to work with time series. Grafana is one open source tool for time series analytics. I want to build a simple prototype. The idea is: …

    13. Happy logins. Only the happy user will pass

      Login forms are bored. In this example we’re going to create an especial login form. Only for happy users. Happiness is something complicated, but at least, one smile is more easy to obtain, and all is better with one smile :). Our login form will only appear if the user smiles. Let’s start. …

    14. Opencv and esp32 experiment. Moving a servo with my face alignment

      One saturday morning I was having a breakfast and I discovered face_recognition project. I started to play with the opencv example. I put my picture and, Wow! It works like a charm. It’s pretty straightforward to detect my face and also I can obtain the face landmarks. One of the landmark that I can get is the nose tip. Playing with this script I realized that with the nose tip I can determine the position of the face. I can see if my face is align to the center or if I move it to one side. As well as I have a new iot device (one ESP32) I wanted to do something with it. For example control a servo (SG90) and moving it from left to right depending on my face position. …

    15. Pomodoro with ESP32. One "The Melee - Side by side" project

      Last weekend there was a great event called The Melee - Side by side (Many thanks to @ojoven and @diversius). …

    16. Playing with Ionic, Lumen, Firebase, Google maps, Raspberry Pi and background geolocation

      I wanna do a simple pet project. The idea is to build a mobile application. This application will track my GPS location and send this information to a Firebase database. I’ve never play with Firebase and I want to learn a little bit. With this information I will build a simple web application hosted in my Raspberry Pi. This web application will show a Google map with my last location. I will put this web application in my TV and anyone in my house will see where I am every time. …

    17. Handling Amazon SNS messages with PHP, Lumen and CloudWatch

      This days I’m involve with Amazon’s AWS and since I am migrating my backends to Lumen I’m going to play a little bit with AWS and Lumen. Today I want to create a simple Lumen server to handle SNS notifications. One end-point to listen to SNS and another one to emit notifications. I also want to register logs within CloudWatch. Let’s start. …

    18. Authenticate OpenUI5 applications and Lumen backends with Amazon Cognito and JWT

      Today I want to create an UI5/OpenUI5 boilerplate that plays with Lumen backends. Simple, isn’t it? We only need to create a Lumen API server and connect our OpenUI5 application with this API server. But today I also want to create a Login also. The typical user/password input form. I don’t want to build it from scratch (a user database, oauth provider or something like that). Since this days I’m involved with Amazon AWS projects I want to try Amazon Cognito. …

    19. Tracking blue objects with Opencv and Python

      Opencv is an amazing Open Source Computer Vision Library. Today We’re going to hack a little bit with it. The idea is track blue objects. Why blue objects? Maybe because I’ve got a couple of them in my desk. Let’s start. …

    20. Playing with IoT, MQTT, Arduino and Raspberry Pi. Building a dashboard with OpenUI5

      I’ve been playing with MQTT in previous posts. Today I want to build a simple dashboard. Basically because I’ve got a 3.5inch display for my Raspberry Py and I want to use it. The idea is set up my Rasperry Pi as a web kiosk and display the MQTT variables in real time using websockets. Let’s start. …