Note: I'm migrating from to here. When I finish I'll swap the DNS to here. The "official" blog will be always

    1. Integrating WebSockets with PHP applications. Silex and playing together.

      WebSockets are great. We can start a persistent connection from our browser to our server and use this connection to send real time notifications to our users. Normally when we integrate WebSockets with an existing Web application, we need to face with one slight problem. Our Web application runs on a Web server (imagine, for example one Silex application). We can use a login form and ensure all requests are authorized (using a security layer). This problem is solved years ago. We can use Basic HTTP authentification, Digtest authentification, a session based authentication, token based authentificatio, OAuth, … The problem arrives when we add WebSocket server. WebSocket server is another serve. We can use node.js, ruby, or even PHP with Rachet. But how we can ensure that WebSocket server’s requests are also authenticated? We can try to share our authentification provider between both servers, but this solution is quite “exotic”. That was the idea behind my blog post: post some time ago. I’ve been thinkin a lot about it, and also read posts and speak with colleages about this subject. Finally I’m using the following solution. Let me explain it. …

    2. Playing with HTML5. Building a simple pool of WebWokers

      Today I’m playing with the HTML5’s WebWorkers. Since our JavaScript code runs within a single thread in our WebBrowser, heavy scripts can lock the execution of our code. HTML5 gives us one tool called WebWorkers to allow us to run different threads within our Application. …

    3. Enabling CORS in a RESTFull Silex server, working with a phonegap/cordova applications

      This days I’m working with phonegap/cordova projects. I’m using topcoat and AngularJs to build the client side and Silex for the backend. Cordova applications are “diferent” than a common web application. Our client side is normally located inside our mobile device (it’s also possible to use remote webviews). Our cordova application must speak with our backend. The easiest way to perform this operation is to use a REST. AngularJS has a great tool to connect with RESTFull resources. Silex is also great to build RESTFull services. I wrote a couple of posts about it. …

    4. How to run a Web Server from a PHP application

      Normally we deploy our PHP applications in a webserver (such as apache, nginx, …). I used to have one apache webserver in my personal computer to play with my applications, but from time to now I preffer to use PHP’s built-in webserver for my experiments. It’s really simple. Just run: …

    5. Taking photos with a phonegap/cordova application and uploading them to the server.

      Last days I’ve working in a phonegap/cordova project. The main purpose of the project was taking photos with the device’s camera and sending them to the server. It’s a simple apache cordova project using the camera plugin. According to the documentation we can upload pictures with the following javascript code: …

    6. Playing with event dispatcher and Silex. Sending logs to a remote server.

      Today I continue playing with event dispatcher and Silex. Now I want to send a detailed log of our Kernel events to a remote server. We can do it something similar with Monolog, but I want to implement one working example hacking a little bit the event dispatcher. Basically we’re going to create one Logger class (implementing PSR-3 of course) …

    7. Using the event dispatcher in a Silex application

      Symfony has one component called The Event Dispatcher. This component is one implementation of Mediator pattern and it’s widely used in modern frameworks, such as Symfony. Silex, as a part of Symfony, also uses this component and we can easily use it in our projects. Let me show you one little example. Imagine one simple route in Silex to create one png file containing one text: …

    8. Multiple Phonegap Push Notifications in the Android's status bar

      Last month I worked within an Android project using Phonegap, jQuery Mobile and Push Notifications. I also wrote one post explaining how to use PHP to send the server side’s part of the push notifications. Today I want to show one small hack, that I’ve done to change the default behaviour of push notifications. Let me explain it a little bit: …

    9. Sending automated emails with PHP, Swiftmailer and Twig

      I’m the one of hosts of a Coding Dojo in my city called Katayunos. Katayunos is the mix of the word Kata (coding kata) and “Desayuno” (breakfast in Spanish). A group of brave programmers meet together one Saturday morning and after having breakfast we pick one coding kata and we practise TDD and pair programming. It’s something difficult to explain to non-geek people (why the hell we wake up early one Saturday morning to do this) but if you are reading this post probably it sounds good:). …

    10. Releasing unmanaged resources (a PHP port from C#'s "using" statement)

      Sometimes we work with instances that needs to released even when exceptions happens. Something typical when we work with resources (Files, Database connections, …) Let me show you with an example: …

    11. Creating QR codes with PHP and Silex

      Today we’re going to play with QR codes and how to use them within a Silex application using one Service Provider. First we need a QR code generator. If we find in Packagist we can see various libraries. We are going to use the library: endroid/qrcode. …

    12. Building a BDD framework with PHP

      Do you know Jasmine, the BDD framework for JavaScript? This holidays I was looking for something like that in PHP and I didn’t found anything similar (please let me know if I’m wrong) (now I know a few of them thanks to Dave’s comment) . Because of that, and as an exercise, I hack a little bit building something similar for PHP. …

    13. Sending Android Push Notifications from PHP to phonegap applications

      Last days I’ve been working within a Phonegap project for Android devices using Push Notifications. The idea is simple. We need to use the Push Notification Plugin for Android. First we need to register the Google Cloud Messaging for Android service at Google’s console, and then we can send Push notifications to our Android device. …

    14. Bundles in Silex using Stack

      In the last Desymfony conference I was speaking with Luis Cordova and he introduced me “Stack” (I must admit Stack was in my to-study-list but only marked as favorite). The idea behind Stack is really cool. (In fact every project where Igor Wiedler appears is brilliant, even the chicken one :)). …

    15. Dynamic routes with AngularJS and Silex

      These days I’m playing with AngularJS. Today I want to experiment with dynamic routes. Let me show your an example. Imagine a simple route configuration: …

    16. Talk about Dependency Injection and Dependency Injection Containers at the deSymfony 2013 conference

      The last week I attend to deSymfony conference. This year the conference was in Madrid and I collaborate as speaker with a talk about Dependency Injection and Dependency Injection Containers in PHP. It was a great experience. 400 attendees, two tracks, Fabien Potencier’s key-note and a brilliant organization could be one fast summary. We also could enjoy with good talks especially (in my humble opinion) one great talk about Advanced Silex with Javier Egiluz (please Javier write a book about Silex soon :) ). A good place to put the real face to colleagues and to know to the most important people at the PHP/Symfony community in Spain. Nice talks (and beers too) with people from Zaragoza, Extremadura, Valladolid, Valencia, Barcelona, with the people of Symfony-Madrid … …

    17. Working with jQuery and Silex as RestFull Resource provider

      The previous post was about how to use AngularJS resources with Silex. AngularJS is great and when I need to switch back to jQuery it looks like I go back 10 years in web development, but business is business and I need to live with jQuery too. Because of that this post is about how to use the Silex RestFull resources from the previous post, now with jQuery. Let’s start: …

    18. Working with AngularJS and Silex as Resource provider

      This days I’m playing with AngularJS. Angular is a great framework when we’re building complex front-end applications with JavaScript. And the best part is that it’s very simple to understand (and I like simple things indeed). Today we are going to play with Resources. Resources are great when we need to use RestFull resources from the server. In this example we’re going to use Silex in the backend. Let’s start. …

    19. Google App Engine, PHP and Silex. Setting up a Login Provider

      Last week Google announced the PHP support for Google App Engine (GAE). PHPStorm, the great IDE for PHP development, also announced support for Google App Engine PHP. Because of that now is time to hack a little bit with this new toy. …

    20. Enqueue Symfony's process components with PHP and ZeroMQ

      Today I’d like to play with ZeroMQ. ZeroMQ is a great tool to work with sockets. I will show you the problem that I want to solve: One web application needs to execute background processes but I need to execute those processes in order. Two users cannot execute one process at the same time. OK, if we face to this problem we can use Gearman. I’ve written various posts about Gearman (here and here for example). But today I want to play with ZeroMQ. …