Note: I'm migrating from to here. When I finish I'll swap the DNS to here. The "official" blog will be always

    1. Handling private states within AngularJS applications

      One typical task when we work with AngularJs application is login, and private states. We can create different states in our application. Something like this: …

    2. Building a AngularJS provider for hello.js library

      This days I’ve been playing with hello.js. Hello is a A client-side Javascript SDK for authenticating with OAuth2 web services. It’s pretty straightforward to use and well explained at documentation. I want to use it within AngularJS projects. OK, I can include the library and use the global variable “hello”, but it isn’t cool. I want to create a reusable module and available with Bower. Let’s start. …

    3. Handling AngularJs POST requests with a Silex Backend

      This days I working a lot with AngularJs applications (who doesn’t?). Normally my backend is a Silex application. It’s pretty straightforward to build a REST api with Silex. But when we play with an AngularJs client we need to face with a a problem. POST requests “doesn’t” work. That’s not 100% true. They work, indeed, but they speak different languages. …

    4. Using OpenUI5 table and Angularjs

      Last days I’ve been playing with OpenUI5. OpenUI5 is a web toolkit that SAP people has released as an open source project. I’ve read several good reviews about this framework, and because of that I started to hack a little bit with it. OpenUI5 came with a very complete set of controls. In this small example I want to use the “table” control. It’s just a datagrid. This days I playing a lot with Angular.js so I wanted to use together OpenUI5’s table control and Angularjs. …

    5. Why did this year has passed so swiftly? My 2014 Retrospective.

      Today an original post. Maybe I’m the only one doing this, I know. 2014 is close to finish and I want to review how it went the year. Let’s start. …

    6. Enclosing Websocket connection inside a HTML5 SharedWorker

      I really like WebSockets. I’ve written several posts about them. Today we’re going to speak about something related to WebSockets. Let me explain it a little bit. …

    7. Yet Another example of WebSockets, and AngularJs working with a Silex backend

      Remember my last post about WebSockets and AngularJs? Today we’re going to play with something similar. I want to create a key-value interface to play with websockets. Let me explain it a little bit. …

    8. Upgrading Cordova-iOS apps outside Apple Store

      In one of my last post I explained how to upgrade Cordova-Android apps outside Google Play Store with angularjs. Today is the turn of iOS applications. …

    9. Building a Pimple/Container from a YAML file

      The last May I attended to the great deSymfony day conference in Barcelona. At speaker’s dinner I had a great conversation with Máximo Cuadros about Dependency Injection Containers. We discuss about the customisation of containers. I said that I prefer Symfony´s DIC instead of Pimple, mainly because its configuration with YAML (or even xml) files. But In fact we can customise Pimple/Containers with YAML files in a similar way than we do it with Symfony’s DIC. In this example we’re going to see one way to do it. …

    10. Sharing $scope between controllers with AngularJs

      Angular creates one $scope object for each controller. We also have a $rootScope accesible from every controllers. But, can we access to one controller’s $scope from another controller? The sort answer is no. Also if our application needs to access to another controller’s $scope, we probably are doing something wrong and we need to re-think our problem. But anyway it’s possible to access to another controller’s $scope if we store it within a service. Let me show you and example. …

    11. Playing with websockets, angularjs and

      I’m a big fan of websockets. I’ve got various post about them (here, here). Last months I’m working with angularjs projects and because of that I wanna play a little bit with websockets (with and angularjs. …

    12. Debugging android cordova/phonegap apps with Chrome

      Maybe this post can be obvious but I’ve spoken about it with various developers who don’t know it. It really improves the developing process of cordova/phonegap apps with android at least for me. …

    13. Upgrading Cordova-Android apps outside Google Play Store with angularjs

      Recent months I’ve working with enterprise mobile applications. This apps are’t distributed using any marketplace, so I need to handle the distributions process. With Android you can compile your apps, create your APK files and distribute them. You can send the files by email, use a download link, send the file with bluetooth, or whatever. With iOS is a bit different. You need to purchase one Enterprise license, compile the app and distribute your IPA files using Apple’s standards. …

    14. Testing Phonegap/Cordova applications fast as hell in the device (with ionic framework)

      Normally when we work with Phonegap/Cordova applications we work in two phases. First we develop the application locally using our browser. That’s “fast” phase. We change something within our code, then we reload our browser and we see the outcome. It isn’t different from a “traditional” web developing process. Normally I use the ionic framework. Ionic is great and it also provides us a good tool to run a local server. We just type: …

    15. Setting up states from a json file in angularjs applications

      Imagine a this simple angularjs application using angular-ui-router: …

    16. Token based authentication with Silex and AngularJS

      According to my last post today we’re going to create a AngularJS application that uses the Silex Backend that we create previously. The idea of this application is to use it within a Phonegap/Cordova application running in a mobile device. …

    17. Talk about SOLID and Symfony at the deSymfony 2014 conference.

      Last saturday I attended to the deSymfony conference in Barcelona. A great opportunity to meet again with the PHP and Symfony community in Spain. This year the conference accepted my talk about SOLID and Symfony. Here you can see the slides of the talk (slides in spanish): slideshare …

    18. Token based authentication with Silex Applications

      Imagine this simple Silex application: …

    19. Yet another Database Abstraction layer with PHP and DBAL

      I’m not a big fan of ORMs. I feel very confortable working with raw SQLs and because of that I normally use DBAL (or PDO in old projects). I’ve got one small library to handle my dayly operations with databases and today I’ve written this library …

    20. Auto injecting dependencies in PHP objects

      I must admit I don’t really know what’s the correct title for this post. Finally I use “Auto injecting dependencies in PHP objects”. I know it isn’t very descriptive. Let me explain it a little bit. This time I want to automate the Hollywood Principle (“Don’t call us, we’ll call you”). The idea is simple. Imagine one “controller” …