Note: I'm migrating from to here. When I finish I'll swap the DNS to here. The "official" blog will be always

    1. PHP application in SAP Cloud Platform. With PostgreSQL, Redis and Cloud Foundry

      Keeping on with my study of SAP’s cloud platform (SCP) and Cloud Foundry today I’m going to build a simple PHP application. This application serves a simple Bootstrap landing page. The application uses a HTTP basic authentication. The credentials are validated against a PostgreSQL database. It also has a API to retrieve the localtimestamp from database server (just for play with a database server). I also want to play with Redis in the cloud too, so the API request will have a Time To Live (ttl) of 5 seconds. I will use a Redis service to do it. …

    2. Real Time IoT in the cloud with SAP's SCP, Cloud Foundry and WebSockets

      Nowadays I’m involved with a cloud project based on SAP Cloud Platform (SCP). Side projects are the best way to mastering new technologies (at least for me) so I want to build something with SCP and my Arduino stuff. SCP comes whit one IoT module. In fact every cloud platforms have, in one way or another, one IoT module (Amazon, Azure, …). With SCP the IoT module it’s just a Hana Database where we can push our IoT values and we’re able to retrieve information via oData (the common way in SAP world). …

    3. NFC tag reader with Raspberry Pi

      In another post we spoke about NFC tag readers and Arduino. Today I’ll do the same but with a Raspberry Pi. Why? More or less everything we can do with an Arduino board we can do it also with a Raspberry Pi (and viceversa). Sometimes Arduino is to much low level for me. For example if we want to connect an Arduino to the LAN we need to set up mac address by hand. We can do it but this operation is trivial with Raspberry Pi and Python. We can connect our Arduino to a PostgreSQL Database, but it’s not pretty straightforward. Mi background is also better with Python than C++, so I feel more confortable working with Raspberry Pi. I’m not saying that RPi is better than Arduino. With Arduino for example we don’t need to worry about start proceses, reboots and those kind of thing stuff that we need to worry about with computers. Arduino a Raspberry Pi are different tools. Sometimes it will be better one and sometimes the other. …

    4. Taking photos with an ionic2 application and upload them to S3 Bucket with SAP's Cloud Foundry using Silex and Lumen

      Today I want to play with an experiment. When I work with mobile applications, I normally use ionic and on-premise backends. Today I want play with cloud based backends. In this small experiment I want to use an ionic2 application to take pictures and upload them to an S3 bucket. Let’s start. …

    5. Controlling bedside lamp with the TV's remote using Arduino and IR receiver.

      I’ve got a new Arduino board (Arduino nano) and I want to hack a little bit. Today I want to play with IR receiver. My idea is to use my TV’s remote and switch on/off one bedside lamp, using one relay. It’s a simple Arduino program. First we need to include de IRremote library. …

    6. Silex is dead (... or not)

      The last week was deSymfony conference in Castellón (Spain). IMHO deSymfony is the best conference I’ve ever attended. The talks are good but from time to now I appreciate this kind of events not because of them. I like to go to events because of people, the coffee breaks and the community (and in deSymfony is brilliant at this point). This year I cannot join to the conference. It was a pity. A lot of good friends there. So I only can follow the buzz in Twitter, read the published slides (thanks Raul) and wait for the talk videos in youtube. …

    7. Playing with Raspberry Pi, Arduino, NodeMcu and MQTT

      These days I’m playing with IoT. Today I want to use MQTT protocol to comunicate between different devices. First I’ve start a mqtt broker in my Laptop. For testing I’ll use mosquitto server. In production we can use RabbitMQ or even a 3party server such as or even Amazon’s IoT service. …

    8. NFC tag reader with Arduino

      Today I want to use the NFC tag reader module with my Arduino. The idea is build a simple prototype to read NFC tags and validate them against a remote server (for example a node tcp server). Depending on the tag we’ll trigger one digital output or another. In the example we’ll connect leds to those outputs, but in the real life we can open door or something similar. …

    9. Arduino and Raspberry Pi working together. Part 2 (now with i2c)

      The easiest way to connect our Arduino board to our Raspberry Py is using the USB cable, but sometimes this communication is a nightmare, especially because there isn’t any clock signal to synchronize our devices and we must rely on the bitrate. There’re different ways to connect our Arduino and our Raspberry Py such as I2C, SPI and serial over GPIO. Today we’re going to speak about I2C, especially because it’s pretty straightforward if we take care with a couple of things. Let’s start. …

    10. Arduino and Raspberry Pi working together

      Basically everything we can do with Arduino it can be done also with a Raspberry Pi (an viceversa). There’re things that they’re easy to do with Arduino (connect sensors for example). But another things (such as work with REST servers, databases, …) are “complicated” with Arduino and C++ (they are possible but require a lot of low level operations) and pretty straightforward with Raspberry Pi and Python (at least for me and because of my background) …

    11. PHP Redis cache wrapper

      Today I want to share a simple Redis Wrapper for PHP I’m using in one project. Nowadays I don’t like reinvent the wheel as years ago. I’m not going to create a new Redis Library for PHP there’re too many. I normally use Predis (it’s the “de facto” standard, indeed). …

    12. Control humidity with a Raspberry Pi and IoT devices

      I’ve got a Wemo switch and a BeeWi temperature/humidity sensor. I’ve use them in previous projects. Today I want a control humidity level in a room. The idea is switch on/off a dehumidifier (plugged to Wemo switch) depending on the humidity (from BeeWi sensor). Let’s start. …

    13. Playing with RabbitMQ (part 2). Now with Python

      Do you remember the las post about RabbitMQ? In that post we created a small wrapper library to use RabbitMQ with node and PHP. I also work with Python and I also want to use the same RabbitMQ wrapper here. With Python there’re several libraries to use Rabbit. I’ll use pika. …

    14. Playing with RabbitMQ, PHP and node

      I need to use RabbitMQ in one project. I’m a big fan of Gearman, but I must admit Rabbit is much more powerful. In this project I need to handle with PHP code and node, so I want to build a wrapper for those two languages. I don’t want to re-invent the wheel so I will use existing libraries (php-amqplib and amqplib for node). …

    15. Playing with Docker, Silex, Python, Node and WebSockets

      I’m learning Docker. In this post I want to share a little experiment that I have done. I know the code looks like over-engineering but it’s just an excuse to build something with docker and containers. Let me explain it a little bit. …

    16. Playing with arduino, IoT, crossbar and websockets

      Yes. Finally I’ve got an arduino board. It’s time to hack a little bit. Today I want to try different things. I want to display in a webpage one value from my arduino board. For example one analog data using a potentiometer. Let’s start. …

    17. Smart bulb controlled from a Raspberry Pi with Python. My RGB alarm clock

      I’ve got a BeeWi Smart LED Color Bulb. I must admit I cannot resist to buy those kind of devices :). …

    18. Silex service provider for a Gearman wrapper

      I’ve written an small wrapper for the gearman api. Normally I use Silex in the frontend. Today we’re going to build a service provider to allow us to integrate the gearman wrapper easily within our Silex applications. …

    19. Performing UPSERT (Update or Insert) with PostgreSQL and PHP

      That’s a typical situation. Imagine you’ve got one table …

    20. Encrypt Websocket ( communications

      I’m a big fan of WebSockets and I’ve written a lot of about it. In last posts I’ve written about and authentication. Today we’re going to speak about communications. …