Note: I'm migrating from to here. When I finish I'll swap the DNS to here. The "official" blog will be always

    1. Sign-in with Twitter in a Silex application.

      I’ve working in a pet-project with Silex and I wanted to perform a Sign-in with Twitter. Implementing Sign in with Twitter is pretty straightforward and it’s also well explained in the Twitter’s developers site. Now we only need to implement those HTTP client requests within PHP. We can create the REST client with curl but nowadays I prefer to use the great library called Guzzle to perform those kind of opperations. So let’s start. …

    2. Scaling Silex applications (part II). Using RouteCollection

      In the post Scaling Silex applications I wanted to organize a one Silex application. In one comment Igor Wiedler recommended us to use RouteCollections instead of define the routes with a Symfony’s Dependency Injection Container. Because of that I started to hack a little bit about it and here I show you my outcomes: …

    3. Scaling Silex applications

      In my humble opinion Silex is great. It’s perfect to create prototypes, but when our application grows up it turns into a mess. That was what I thought until the last month, when I attended to a great talk about Silex with Javier Eguiluz. OK. Scaling Silex it’s not the same than with a Symfony application, but it’s possible. …

    4. How to configure Symfony's Service Container to use Twitter API

      Keeping on with the series about Symfony’s Services container (another posts here and here), now we will use the service container to use Twitter API from a service. …

    5. Handling several DBAL Database connections in Symfony2 through the Dependency Injection Container with PHP

      (This post is the second part of my previous post: Handling several PDO Database connections in Symfony2 through the Dependency Injection Container with PHP. You can read it here) …

    6. Handling several PDO Database connections in Symfony2 through the Dependency Injection Container with PHP

      I’m not a big fan of ORMs, especially in PHP world when all dies at the end of each request. Plain SQL is easy to understand and very powerful. Anyway in PHP we have Doctrine. Doctrine is a amazing project, probably (with permission of Symfony2) the most advanced PHP project, but I normally prefer to work with SQL instead of Doctrine. …

    7. Multiple inheritance with PHP and Traits

      Multiple inheritance isn’t allowed in PHP. With Python we can do things like that: …

    8. Sending sockets from PostgreSQL triggers with Python

      Picture this: We want to notify to one external service each time that one record is inserted in the database. We can find the place where the insert statement is done and create a TCP client there, but: What happens if the application that inserts the data within the database is a legacy application?, or maybe it is too hard to do?. If your database is PostgreSQL it’s pretty straightforward. With the “default” procedural language of PostgreSQL (pgplsql) we cannot do it, but PostgreSQL allows us to use more procedural languages than plpgsql, for example Python. With plpython we can use sockets in the same way than we use it within Python scripts. It’s very simple. Let me show you how to do it. …

    9. How to call shell programs as functions with PHP

      I’m a big fan of Symfony’s Process Component. I’ve used intensively this component within a project and I noticed that I needed a wrapper to avoid to write again and again the same code. Suddenly a cool python library came to my head: sh. With python’s sh we can call any program as if it were a function: …

    10. Building a FTP client library with PHP

      In my daily work I need to connect very often to FTP servers. Put files, read, list and things like that. I normally use the standard PHP functions for Ftp it’s pretty straight forward to use them. Just enable it within our installation (--enable-ftp) and it’s ready to use them. But last Sunday it was raining again and I start with this simple library. …

    11. Live changes within node.js scripts without stop/start

      Imagine that you are working within a nodejs project. This simple script: …

    12. Managing Windows services with Symfony/Process and PHP

      Sometimes I need to stop/start remote Windows services with PHP. It’s quite easy to do it with net commnand. This command is a tool for administration of Samba and remote CIFS servers. It’s pretty straightforward to handle them from Linux command line: …

    13. Building a Silex application from one Behat/Gherkin feature file

      Last days I’ve playing with Behat. Behat is a behavior driven development (BDD) framework based on Ruby’s Cucumber. Basically with Behat we defenie features within one feature file. I’m not going to crate a Behat tutorial (you can read more about Behat here). Behat use Gherkin to write the features files. When I was playing with Behat I had one idea. The idea is simple: Can we use Gherking to build a Silex application?. It was a good excuse to study Gherking, indeed ;). …

    14. How to rewrite urls with PHP 5.4's built-in web server

      PHP 5.4 comes with a flaming built-in web server. This server is (obviously) not suitable to use in production environments, but it’s great if we want to check one project quickly: …

    15. How to send the output of Symfony’s process Component to a node.js server in Real Time with

      Today another crazy idea. Do you know Symfony Process Component? The Process Component is a simple component that executes commands in sub-processes. I like to use it when I need to execute commands in the operating system. The documentation is pretty straightforward. Normally when I want to collect the output of the script (imagine we run those scripts within a crontab) I save the output in a log file and I can check it even in real time with tail -f command. …

    16. Handling dates with PHP

      I’ve seen a lot of newbies (and not newbies) having problems handling dates in PHP (and even with SQL and another languages). When I see someone having problems with dates, I always ask the same question. I type in a text editor “27/11/2012” and I ask him: What is it? If your answer is “This is a date” you should continue reading the post :) …

    17. The reason why singleton is a "problem" with PHPUnit

      Singleton is a common design pattern. It’s easy to understand and we can easily implement it with PHP: …

    18. Building a simple TCP proxy server with node.js

      Today we are going to build a simple TCP proxy server. The scenario is the following one. We have got one host (the client) that establishes a TCP connection to another one (the remote). …

    19. Combining Zend Framework2 and Symfony2 components with Composer to build PHP projects

      Zend Framework 2 is finally stable. I must admit that I’m not a big fan of ZF (or even Symfony2) as a full stack framework. I normally prefer to use micro frameworks, but those two frameworks (ZF2 and SF2) are great as component libraries. Today we are going to build a simple console application (using symfony/console component) to list the database tables (using zendframework/zend-db’s Metadata). Let’s start. …

    20. Dependency Injection Containers with PHP. When Pimple is not enough.

      Two months ago I wrote an article about Dependency Injection with PHP and Pimple. After the post I was speaking about it with a group of colleagues and someone threw a question: …