Note: I'm migrating from to here. When I finish I'll swap the DNS to here. The "official" blog will be always

    1. Jugando con FriendFeed y Appengine:


    2. Things I miss in PHP: Function decorators

      The problem: …

    3. An idea for calling PostgreSQL's stored procedures with PDO

      As far as I know PDO doesn’t allow to call directly the  PostgreSQL’s strored procedures. That’s not a problem. We can create a SQL and call a stored procedures as simple sql. …

    4. Should we use our own frameworks in a production system?

      Some days ago I read an article called why every developer should write their own framework. It’s an interesting post and everybody are agree with the author. Build a framework is a good way to learn other frameworks. You face problems and you give solutions to those problems similar than other framework’s ones. It’s also good see the code of other frameworks to see the differences. Definitely I am fully agree with Brandon. …

    5. Moving singleton and factory patterns to Abstract with php 5.3

      I have built a backend library. I have a tree of classes and i want to use singleton and factory patterns to my class set. Easy isn’t it? …

    6. Soy rico

      Lunes 7:00. Suena el despertador. Normalmente cuando suena el despertador es el peor momento del día. Hoy encima me ha sentado especialmente mal (lunes, vacaciones recientes, …). Llego a la oficina, miro el correo y me encuentro con esto: …

    7. antivirus

      Acabo de recibir un correo con propaganda de un antivirus. Es una lástima que no use antivirus porque el producto tiene una pinta buenísima. Literal copiado del correo: …

    8. Server side web frameworks are dead

      Server side web frameworks are dead. Long life to client side web frameworks. Struts, JSF, Spring, Ruby on Rails, Cake, Symfony … (even my framework in PHP ;) ) as full stack web framework are dead. Logic is moving to the client side. Javascript, the language used as deadly weapon in the browser wars nowadays is the key of the web. Server logic is getting thin. A thin server side framework serving JSON (Zend Framework is really cool for this) plus a good and strong client side framework such as Dojo or ExtJs with a good widget set with all the application logic can be the new parading of web develop. …

    9. Speed up page load with asynchronous javascript

      JavaScript an important part of or web applications. Normally or web is not usable until js is full loaded. Almost all js framework implements an event to notice when the js is ready (dojo.addOnLoad(); $(function() {});) and the page is usable. The page is usable when js is loaded. Sometimes if you are working with dojo you need all js and maybe is better to create an splash screen until all is loaded. But sometimes your app don’t need all js to be usable. I give you a example: I’ve been working in a project with jQuery. I load jQuery library from google cdn …

    10. mixin dojo and google api libraries

      I’m working in a dojo application and I also need to use some goolge api like feeds, maps and books. Dojo is very versatile adding new components using dojo.require. when all dojo components are loaded dojo.addOnLoad callback is fired. …

    11. fetching book cover with google API and dojo

      I want to put the cover of one book into my dojo application. I can use amazon Web service but google API has a nice JSONP interface and also google API uses ISBN instead ASIN to fetch book info and for me is easier to know the ISBN (it is in the first page of every book). I have a previous post explaining how to use use JSONP with javascript, but now I want to do the same in a dojo-way using …

    12. Consuming external javascript services with Dojo

      I want to include goggle’s GSbookBar in one dokjo application. Unfortunately this API doesn’t have a JSONP interface. I need to include one external js file and use GSbookBar object. It’s really simple but I want to so something different. The book bar appears only in one pop up of one tab in my application. It isn’t a main part so I don’t want to load the external script every time the user loads the application. …

    13. virus letal

      He recibido un aviso muy importante: …

    14. killall firefox-bin

      As a web developer firefox is my only choice. I need other browser to test my applications but I can’t live without firebug. I now there are other firebug-clone for other browsers but firebug is the number one. …

    15. dojo.hitch

      The first time I read about dojo.hitch I didn’t understand anything. I read in a book dojo.hitch is a very important function and widely used into dojo library but I didn’t understand why. I am using my learning of dojo to improve my skill in javascript. I remember the time when I hate javascript. I thought it was a very poor program language and everything I need to do with js was a nightmare. If browser was Netscape one way to to do one thing, if browser was IE other (of a other and a couple of hacks). But the times have changed. XHR and Ajax has reinvented the web. Web pages had became into Web Applications. Asynchronous request had opened our minds to a new generation of web applications, and all of it is thanks to javascript. Each day I spent learning js I see how much I was wrong. …

    16. nslu2 installation

      I need to change the HDD of my Linksys NSLU2 so I will use the opportunity to write a small HowTo to show how to set up an unslung firmware into my nslu2. Let’s start …

    17. Dojo and custom widgets

      I want to extend Dojo library with some custom widgets. Dojo widgets are really cool. You can use them from JavaScript and from HTML with the Dojo markup. …

    18. Dojo series

      I will start a new series of posts based on my experiences learning Dojo. This is not a tutorial of Dojo. Those posts want to help me to get new skills. The learning of Dojo is a bit frustrating sometimes. When you have written a dozens of source code and you realized all its wrong and that isn’t the Dojo way of doing this and you need to rewrite all. But you feel really happy when your widget appear on the browser. I have in my mind some post-project now and I hope I will post them soon …

    19. Cambio de Blog

      Es oficial. Me paso de blogger a wordpress. Empezé a usar bloggger no se muy bien porque. Es fácil de usar, un par de clicks y los tienes en marcha, pero cuando quise empezar a poner código fuente me encontré con problemillas: Que si toca el template por aquí, que si cambia los css, … En fin que no me apetecía hacer hacking en una herramienta propietaria como blogger (que yo sepa no se publica el código fuente aunque las modificaciones de templates están documentadas). Así que me abrí una cuenta en wordpress. Había instalado y jugado un poco con wordpress hace tiempo y no me gustaba mucho, pero al descubrir que dan hosting gratis me lanzé a probarlo y no lo cambio por blogger ni en pintura. Ha mejorado mucho desde que lo ví por primera vez. …

    20. JSONP. JSON with Padding

      JSON is a really good solution to send data from server to client in web applications. Almost every program language has his own json encode and decode. PHP allows natively to do this encoding from php arrays and objets to JSON. And Zend Framework implements Zend_JSON who also allows you to encode/decode from XML. …