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      PHP and couchDB

      Last days I’ve been playing with couchDB and PHP. There are several ways to use couchDB with PHP. There also are extensions but I want to build a simple library and I will show now the code.

      CouchDB has a great RestFul API so I we want to use CouchDB we only need to perform http requests. I have done a small class to do the requests. You can see the code here. It’s a simple class that uses PHP’s curl functions.

      I come from relational database world. NoSQL is new for me. Maybe I’m wrong but I want to use INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE and SELECT statements in CouchDB in the same way I use them in Relational database.

      The class is focused in the HTTP Document API. There is a great tutorial here that explains the API. Now I’ll show the interface I’ve made to perform the statements with CouchDB.

      The examples assumes there are CouchDB host at localhost:5987. Also as I’ve said before the class focused only in HTTP Document API so first of all I create a new database called users using CouchDB’s web interface (http://localhost:5984/ \utils/). Now let’s start:


      $couchDb = new Nov_CouchDb('localhost', 5984);
      $couchDb->db('users')->insert('gonzalo', array('password' => "g1"));


      $data = $couchDb->db('users')->select('gonzalo')->asArray();


      $couchDb->db('users')->update('gonzalo', array('password' => 'g2'));


      $out = $couchDb->db('users')->delete('gonzalo')->asArray();

      Basically Nov_CouchDb has a constructor that stores connection information into private member variables:

      class Nov_CouchDb
          private $_protocol;
          private $_host;
          private $_port;
          private $_user;
          private $_password;
          public function __construct($host, $port=Nov_Http::DEF_PORT , $protocol=Nov_Http::HTTP, $user = null, $password=null)
              $this->_host     = $host;
              $this->_port     = $port;
              $this->_protocol = $protocol;
              $this->_user     = $user;
              $this->_password = $password;

      There are also a public function called db. This function stores the database and returns the instance of the class (I like chainable functions)

          private $_db;
           * @param string $db
           * @return Nov_CouchDb
          public function db($db)
              $this->_db = $db;
              return $this;

      And finally the main functions:


      public function select($key)
          try {
              $out = Nov_Http::connect($this->_host, $this->_port, $this->_protocol)
                  ->setCredentials($this->_user, $this->_password)
          } catch (Nov_Http_Exception $e) {
          return new Nov_CouchDb_Resulset($out);


       * @param string $key
       * @param array $values
       * @return Nov_CouchDb_Resulset
      public function insert($key, $values)
          try {
              $out = Nov_Http::connect($this->_host, $this->_port, $this->_protocol)
                  ->setCredentials($this->_user, $this->_password)
                  ->setHeaders(array('Content-Type' =>  'application/json'))
                  ->doPut("{$this->_db}/{$key}", json_encode($values));
          } catch (Nov_Http_Exception $e) {
          return new Nov_CouchDb_Resulset($out);


       * @param string $key
       * @param array $values
       * @return Nov_CouchDb_Resulset
      public function update($key, $values)
          try {
              $http = Nov_Http::connect($this->_host, $this->_port, $this->_protocol)
                  ->setCredentials($this->_user, $this->_password);
              $out = $http->doGet("{$this->_db}/{$key}");
              $reg = json_decode($out);
              $out = $http->setHeaders(array('Content-Type' =>  'application/json'))
                  ->doPut("{$this->_db}/{$key}", json_encode($reg));
          } catch (Nov_Http_Exception $e) {
          return new Nov_CouchDb_Resulset($out);


       * @param string $key
       * @return Nov_CouchDb_Resulset
      public function delete($key)
          try {
              $http = Nov_Http::connect($this->_host, $this->_port, $this->_protocol)
                  ->setCredentials($this->_user, $this->_password);
              $out = $http->doGet("{$this->_db}/{$key}");
              $reg = json_decode($out);
              $out = $http->doDelete("{$this->_db}/{$key}", array('rev' => $reg->_rev));
          } catch (Nov_Http_Exception $e) {
          return new Nov_CouchDb_Resulset($out);

      insert, update, delete and select returns an instance of Nov \CouchDb \Resulset. CouchDb API returns a json string. But sometimes I want a PHP array or maybe an object. I use Nov \CouchDb \Resulset to perform those transformations:

      // Different outputs
      $data = $couchDb->db('users')->select('dummy')->asArray();
      $data = $couchDb->db('users')->select('dummy')->asObject();
      $data = $couchDb->db('users')->select('dummy')->asJson();


      CouuchDB API is a RestFul API so it uses HTTP exceptions when something wrong happens. I’ve done three exceptions. One generic and other two with the most common exception in relational databases: NoDataFound and DupValOnIndex. this is because I want do things like the following ones:

      try {
          $couchDb->db('users')->update('gonzalo', array('password' => 'g2'));
      } catch (Nov_CouchDb_Exception_NoDataFound $e) {
          echo "No data found \n";
      $couchDb->db('users')->insert('gonzalo1', array('password' => "g1"));
      try {
          $couchDb->db('users')->insert('gonzalo1', array('password' => "g1"));
      } catch (Nov_CouchDb_Exception_DupValOnIndex $e) {
          echo "Dup Val On Index \n";
      try {
      } catch (Nov_CouchDb_Exception_NoDataFound $e) {
          echo "No data found \n";

      The source code is available on google code here

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