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      An idea for calling PostgreSQL's stored procedures with PDO

      As far as I know PDO doesn’t allow to call directly the  PostgreSQL’s strored procedures. That’s not a problem. We can create a SQL and call a stored procedures as simple sql.

      Imagine we have a stored procedure in the schema called ‘schemaName’ with the name ‘method1’.

      CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION schemaName.method1(param1 numeric, param2 numeric)
        RETURNS numeric AS
         RETURN param1 + param2;
        LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' VOLATILE
        COST 100;

      The way of call it is something like this:

      $conn = new PDO($dsn, $user, $password);
      $stmt = $this->prepare("SELECT * FROM schemaName.method1(?, ?)");
      $stmt->execute(1, 2);
      $out = $stmt->fetchAll();

      An idea for doing the same in a more clean way is:

      $conn = new MyPDO($dsn, $user, $password);
      $out = $conn->setSchema('schemaName')->method1(1, 2);

      That’s only an approach. I haven’t think a lot about it but that’s OK as a first approach.

      And now the class I’ve created extending PDO to obtain the above interface.

      The trick is in __call function. Using __call I have dynamic functions in my MyPDO class and I will suppose every functions will be stored procedures.

      class MyPDO extends PDO
          private $_schema = null; 
           * Set Schema
           * @return MyPDO
          public function setSchema($_squemaName)
              $this->_schema = $_squemaName;
              return $this;
          function __call($method, $arguments)
              $_params = array();
              if (count($arguments)>0) {
                  for ($i=0; $i<count($arguments); $i++) {
                      $_params[] = '?';
              $stmt = $this->prepare("SELECT * FROM {$this->_schema}.{$method}(" .
                  implode(', ', $_params) .  ")");
              return $stmt->fetchAll();

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